Mon - Fri: 09.00am to 06.00pm,Sat: 09:00am to 01:00pm Sunday: Closed.

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    8285 E. Santa Ana Canyon Road Anaheim Hills, CA 92808

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    Phone: (909) 334-4015

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Post:- 5 years ago

If you are still living with those old-fashioned conventional metal braces, then the time has come to look for...

Dental Implant Surgery Myths Break the Ice With the Hidden Truth

Dental Implant Surgery Myths...
Post:- 6 years ago

Numerous myths prevail about dental implant surgery that discourages an individual to get treated on-time. Eventually, most of us...

5 Reasons to Consider Sedation Dentistry

5 Reasons to Consider...
Post:- 6 years ago

Sedation Dentistry is used as a special medication to help patients relax during ...


Post:- 6 years ago

It’s very common to fear dental check-ups and cleanings. Looking at the machines, tools and all the strange noises can easily scare someone. But having a clean mouth is very...

Popular Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments

Popular Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments
Post:- 6 years ago

With the advancement in technology, cosmetic dentistry has become the most popular solution to help improve and restore the appearance of teeth and ...

Symptoms and Causes of Oral Cancer

Symptoms and Causes of...
Post:- 6 years ago

  Cancer is the out of control growth of cells that violate and damage the tissue. In the case of oral cancer, it is noticed when the mouth feels sore which...

Home Remedies for Sensitive Teeth

Home Remedies for Sensitive...
Post:- 6 years ago

Sensitive teeth can be to a great degree excruciating to manage particularly when it begins to affect our everyday lives. Cavities, receding gums, decay and worn out enamel are a...

Dental Technology and Hi-Tech Equipments

Dental Technology and Hi-Tech...
Post:- 6 years ago

Advancements in dental technology offer finer solutions for traditional oral health issues than ever before. The current trend in dentistry has been utilizing modern technology to make dentistry much more...

A Guide to Dental Implant

A Guide to Dental...
Post:- 6 years ago

Dental implants are required to replace one or many missing teeth. Replacing missing teeth is essential for an individual for various reasons like regaining self-confidence, retaining the food habit, preventing...

How is Tobacco a Threat to Oral Health?

How is Tobacco a...
Post:- 6 years ago

Oral cancer is defined as an unmanageable growth of cells that causes damage to surrounding tissue. This can be life-threatening if not diagnosed or treated at an early stage. Tobacco is...

Tips For a Healthy Summer Smile

Tips For a Healthy...
Post:- 6 years ago

Summertime is the season to spend, enjoy recreational activities, get out in nature and soak up the heat, and share reminiscences with people we care about. While you are enjoying...

Post-Procedure Care

Post-Procedure Care
Post:- 6 years ago

Post-Procedure Care Like with any surgery, post-procedure care is very important after periodontal surgery. Common symptoms like bleeding, pain, swelling, and other sensations should be expected to a certain extent. There can...

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