![Home Remedies for Sensitive Teeth](https://imk.storage.googleapis.com/file/AjsNfBtxHs3mSAYYn/file_shutterstock_1147991330.jpg)
Home Remedies for Sensitive Teeth
Sensitive teeth can be to a great degree excruciating to manage particularly when it begins to affect our everyday lives. Cavities, receding gums, decay and worn out enamel are a few causes of teeth sensitivity. You may encounter a sharp torment down to the roots at whenever you are consuming hot, icy or sweet and acrid sustenance. The roots contain a huge number of tubules or channels that prompt the teeth’s nerve center. The cold or hot food reaches the center by traveling through the tubules when the dentin that covers the roots gets exposed.
below are some effective home remedies which have been practiced for years to tackle tooth sensitivity.
Clove Oil:
One of the most popular remedies for oral care, cloves have anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and aesthetic properties that help reduce several oral problems including tooth sensitivity. Dab cotton on the oil and leave it on the affected area for 30 minutes.
Coconut Oil:
Being a natural anti-bacterial agent, coconut oil helps reduce bacteria that cause plaque and keeps the mouth clean, preventing tooth sensitivity. It also aids in reducing bad breath, gum diseases, and toothaches. Take 1 tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth and swish it around for around 20 minutes, take care and do not swallow it as it contains the bacteria from the mouth. It is advised to do it daily before brushing your teeth.
Salt Water:
Saltwater improves the PH balance in our mouth and creates an alkaline the environment that is harmful to the bacteria resulting in the reduction of tooth aches and more dental problems. Mix half a teaspoon of salt with warm water and rinse your mouth with it for at least two times a day
Garlic is another powerful agent that aids in reducing toothaches. The allicin present in it is an aesthetic, anti-bacterial medium. Crush a few garlic cloves into a paste; add some water and table salt to the mixture. Apply the paste on the affected area, twice a day for several minutes and wash off with warm water.
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