Emergency situations never come knocking at the door. Such is the case with dental emergencies as well. Dental emergencies like an injury to the gums or teeth can be really disturbing and painful if not taken care of well. Ignoring it can possibly lead to permanent damage as well. But all of this can be avoided if certain steps are followed during an emergency dental situation before finally visiting the dentist.
1. PAIN AND SENSITIVITY: These are the two most common types of dental emergencies that arise primarily due to abscission or loss of tooth filling thus making the nerves sensitive. First thing first, rinse your mouth with lukewarm salty water so as to keep the swelling away. Visit your dentist at the earliest to avoid any further hassles.
2. CHIPPED OR BROKEN TOOTH: Tooth can break while eating hard substances or during an accident. If such a situation arises, always save the pieces of your broken tooth and wash it with warm water. Rinse your mouth with warm salty water to stop bleeding, if there is any. Additionally, using a cold compress helps a lot to relieve pain. See your dentist as soon as possible.
3. KNOCKED OUT TOOTH: Unfortunate situations such as a fall, extreme force or accident can lead to a knocked-out tooth. In such a situation, you should always try to keep your tooth in your mouth. One thing to take note of is that you should always hold the tooth from the crown and not from the roots and rinse it off with water if it is dirty. If possible, try to insert the tooth at the right position in the right manner but never force it. If the tooth couldn’t be inserted, put it in a bowl of milk and take it to the dentist at the earliest. There are high chances of saving the knocked-out teeth if they are returned to the socket within 1 hour of being knocked out.
4. PARTIALLY DISLODGED TEETH: The best thing that you can do in such a situation before reaching out to the dentist is applying a cold compress on the cheek close to the affected area. This situation can be painful which is why getting in touch with the dentist as early as possible is important.
5. ABSCESS: This is basically a form of infection around the root of the tooth or the spaces between gum and tooth. An abscess is a serious dental situation that needs to be properly treated well in time so as to avoid its spread in the other parts of the body in the absence of treatment. If you discover an abscess like situation or any other painful pimple bulging out in the mouth, consult your dentist right away!
Dental emergencies come without prior notice but can be kept at bay by following certain first aids and a timely visit to the emergency dentist. After all, oral health is just as important as the overall health of the body!
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